Wellbeing Centres/ Peer Support Service 

Are you making a Self-Referral?
Third Party Referral 

Please complete the remainder of this form on behalf of the Client you are referring.
Personal & Contact Information

Please ensure that the Postcode is entered in capitals and in the correct format including a space (E.g. BN7 1JU)

Equalities Information

Please enter details if 'Other' is selected for Disability Type
Supportive Information

Emergency Contact Information

About You

Support Goals
Our Wellbeing Centres provide support from both Recovery Workers and Peer Support Specialists, with a range of community-based mental health and wellbeing support sessions and groups to enable you to get well, stay well and prevent crisis. 
  • Group Support - We offer a wide variety of person-centred groups that are offered within our Centres and on occasion, outdoors. We also offer a range of groups that are offered over online platforms such as Zoom or Microsoft Teams.

Service Engagement

 In order to get the most out of the Service, attending your agreed sessions and communicating with your Key Worker at the Centre is important. If you are struggling to attend your agreed sessions and / or participate in our timetable please let us know so we can work together to explore potential solutions and non-judgmentally support you in improving your circumstances. 

To become a member of the Service we require you to attend an assessment with us. This enables us to better understand your situation and needs and gives you a chance to ask us any questions. We will make contact to book in an assessment as soon as possible, but should we not see engagement at the assessment we will close the referral after two appointment offers. 

Once a member of the service, we will make every effort to maintain contact with you (post, phone, text, email), but if after three months we have not heard back from you we will class you as 'dormant' and that you are no longer needing the service at this present time. This means should you need our support again in the future, you can just contact us by calling or emailing your local centre to enquire how you can be an 'active' Client again.

Financial Information

Southdown Staff are only able to provide general information and support in relation to welfare benefits and financial budgeting. Staff are not welfare benefit specialists nor financial advisors and do not accept any responsibility for the outcome of any decisions Clients make based on support or information provided.

Where Staff assist Clients to complete any forms or claims, the Client is responsible for the accuracy of the information provided. Any outcomes made by the Department of Work and Pensions are not the responsibility of Southdown.

Southdown Housing Association - Data Processing Statement

Any personal information you share with Southdown will be kept secure and used in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).


It will only be looked at and used to help make sure we give you an effective service. This may include sharing the information across different parts of Southdown where this is necessary to ensure we give you the best possible support.

We may share the information with other support agencies if this would help you access other services or if we are concerned about you or someone else.


We understand that you may not want certain information about you shared with some people. This can make it difficult for us to give you all the support you need, so if you do not want information about you shared with another service or person, your worker will talk to you about how this might affect you.


We can share your information even if you have asked us not to if we are concerned about your safety or the safety of others, or where we are required to by law. We will try to discuss this with you before we share your information.


Remember you can discuss, withdraw, change or review your consent for Southdown to process your personal information at any time. You can also ask us to delete any information we hold about you. This will also be reviewed at your regular support plan review sessions with your support worker. If there are legal reasons why Southdown needs to retain your information we will talk to you about this to ensure that you are making informed decisions about how this might affect you. You can also ask to see the information Southdown holds about you.


If you are unhappy with the way Southdown uses your information please speak to us and we will do everything possible to address your concerns. If you are still unhappy you have the right to make a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). More information about this is available on the ICO website at https://ico.org.uk/for-the-public/


More information about how Southdown stores and uses your data is available as a leaflet or on our website www.Southdown.org


Self-Referrals: By clicking submit below you confirm that you understand how Southdown will use and process your information as outlined above.
Professional/ Third Party Referrals: By Clicking submit below you confirm that the person you are referring has read and understands the GDPR statement.